Unprecedented; Undeterred: MSF Tweets in 2015

Francesco Zizola/NOOR

It’s been a year of unprecedented humanitarian emergencies. From ongoing conflicts in Yemen and Central African Republic to the refugee crises and Ebola epidemic, we were there providing medical humanitarian aid on the front lines of conflict and disaster. 

Capturing the full scope and impact of even a single MSF project in 140 characters is impossible. But taken together, these tweeted photos, videos, and first-hand accounts paint a human picture of our patient and staff experiences, from the joyful moments to the greatest challenges.

Here are some of the stories you helped us share with the world on social media:

































26th August 2015. A young child is lifted from a boat containing approximately 650 people during a rescue in the Mediterranean Sea by the Bourbon Argos.
Francesco Zizola/NOOR