Central African Republic: Everyday Emergencies at Paoua Hospital

Lynsey Addario/VII

Photographer Corentin Fohlen recently visited MSF's projects in CAR, a country in a near perpetual state of chronic medical emergency that is often overlooked by the world at large.

Politically unstable and frequently overlooked, the Central African Republic (CAR) finds itself in a state of chronic medical emergency. In 2011, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and other researchers carried out five separate retrospective mortality surveys in prefectures accounting for the majority of the country's population. The results showed mortality above what is considered to be the “emergency threshold.”

These photos document photographer Corentin Fohlen's visit to the pediatrics, surgery, maternity, medicine, HIV, and tuberculosis wards of Paoua Hospital, where MSF has worked since 2006.


A patient suffering from hypertension is being examined by MSF medical staff in the Tawergha camp in Janzour, Marine Academy, Tripoli, Libya on Apr. 22. 2012. Tawergha was a pro-Ghadaffi stronghold during the Libyan civil war, and as of October 2011, it has been virtually cleared of all its population. The people from Tawergha are now spread out in pockets across Libya, and are a target of persecution and intimidation from militia forces because of their association with the Ghadaffi regime. The Janzour Marine Academy camp is the largest camp for people from Tawergha in Tripoli. About 450 families, around 2500 people, live here. MSF provides medical assistance here every week in the form of mobile clinics.
Sebastien Van Malleghem
Mussa acaba de participar en su segundo intento de saltar la valla de Melilla. Dice que lo seguirá intentando, aunque tratará de evitar pasar por mar. Dos de sus compañeros han muerto ahogados. Mussa has just participated in its second attempt to jump the fence into Melilla. He says he is going to keep on trying, although he’ll stay away from the sea. Two of its colleagues drowned in an attempt to cross the Strait of Gibraltar. Mussa vient d’essayer de passer le grillage de Melilla. C’est sa seconde tentative. Il dit qu’il continuera à essayer mais qu’il essayera d’éviter de passer par la mer. Deux de ses compagnons se sont noyés.